
Si tienes algo que deseas comunicarnos, por favor llena el formulario y somételo. Tan pronto podamos te contestaremos, si es necesario.

Si tienes alguna petición de oración envíanos un mensaje aquí. O si deseas visitarnos, chequea la página de REUNIONES para saber cuándo y dónde.

Dios te bendiga.

12 Emery Avenue
Randolph, NJ, 07869
United States


Un lugar para conectarlo a nuestra iglesia, en la cual adoramos a Dios y proveemos un ambiente sano para usted y sus hijos.

Somos un grupo de personas interesadas en apoyar y ministrar a los hispanos de la comunidad. Nuestra congregación consta de más de 17 nacionalidades. En ese ambiente compartimos nuestra cultura hispana y las tradiciones de cada país, además de la sana doctrina de la palabra de Dios.

Le invito que tome el tiempo para leer y conocernos a través de esta página y se motive a contactarnos para orar por usted y su familia.


Our focus has been and will be on strengthening the family. Due to the growth of our congregation our current physical facilities do not meet the ministry needs of families who visit us. The church leadership is committed to a vision in order to meet the adequate physical facilities for a growing congregation, .We have developed a work plan before 2016 of areas that require our attention:

  • Appropriate physical facilities for 750 people
    • Classrooms
    • Parking
    • Multipurpose hall and sports facilities
  •  A Pastoral Team of 3 to 5 people

To achieve our vision we need your help and we would like to share the ways you can help:


God knows our desire as a church and our needs, but we need your support to pray that His will be done. We need your prayer for:

  • economic resources necessary
  • appropriate physical facilities
  • pastoral team and their families


All Members of the congregation are committed to giving to achieve our vision. As part of Vision 2016 campaign, we began with a fundraiser titled "One Million from the Heart."

You can also join us in giving and donating the amount that God inspires in your heart. You can do so through the donations link or by clicking on the symbol of our campaign.


During the year we will be conducting several activities to help raise funds. You can help by participating in planning and helping us implement these activities. They will be bringing out plays, garage sales and lunches and more. Please join us by participating and enjoying these activities.


The Board of Trustees of our church is committed to manage responsibly the budget of each ministry and general expenses of the church. You can help by donating your talents to work on tasks such as cleaning the church, planting, improvements, cooking for events, etc..


We need your help promoting the vision with friends, family, co-workers, "Facebook Friends", companies, etc..

Visit us often to see all the events, activities and opportunities to help, donate gifts and participate in the life of our church.