
Si tienes algo que deseas comunicarnos, por favor llena el formulario y somételo. Tan pronto podamos te contestaremos, si es necesario.

Si tienes alguna petición de oración envíanos un mensaje aquí. O si deseas visitarnos, chequea la página de REUNIONES para saber cuándo y dónde.

Dios te bendiga.

12 Emery Avenue
Randolph, NJ, 07869
United States


Un lugar para conectarlo a nuestra iglesia, en la cual adoramos a Dios y proveemos un ambiente sano para usted y sus hijos.

Somos un grupo de personas interesadas en apoyar y ministrar a los hispanos de la comunidad. Nuestra congregación consta de más de 17 nacionalidades. En ese ambiente compartimos nuestra cultura hispana y las tradiciones de cada país, además de la sana doctrina de la palabra de Dios.

Le invito que tome el tiempo para leer y conocernos a través de esta página y se motive a contactarnos para orar por usted y su familia.


Our 25+ Ministries


The vision of the congregation is reflected in each of its ministries. Our aim is clear; to preach and share the message of salvation to our community, our friends, and families through outreach programs geared for each group.

The resources we provide through Bible studies and Sunday school support all ministries; which are aimed toward the personal and spiritual growth of our members, friends, and visitors.

Below is a list of the ministries that give life to our church, surely you will find one that you might be interested in participating. To learn more please click on our "Contact Us" page.

1825 – ministry for university students (average ages of 18-25)

Audio – ministry that provides technical audio support for the church

Children’s Ministry – “Club De Nosotros” (CDN) – ministry for the children ages 3-12 (up to 6th grade)

Christian Education – ministry in charge of the doctrine and teachings in the church

Coffee – ministry that prepares and serves coffee on Sundays and during special activities

Couples – ministry led by and for married couples or those who are soon-to-be-married

Deacons – ministry that supports spiritual, emotional, physical, and material needs of members and visitors of the church

Discipleship – ministry in charge of discipling the members of the church (how to grow spiritually and teach others)

Evangelism – ministry in charge of promoting activities and meetings that reach visitors who are non-believers (providing follow-up support if they accept Jesus as their Savior)

Finance – ministry in charge of managing the finances of the church

Holy Communion – ministry in charge of preparing the food ítems for the Holly Communion, which is usually done once a month

Kitchen – ministry in charge of cooking or provides support, when necessary, in activities that require use of the kitchen

Maintenance/Cleaning – ministry in charge of maintaining and cleaning the church facilities

Men’s Ministry – ministry led by and for the men

Ministerio de Artes Dramáticas de Dover (“MADD”) – ministry for acting and evangelizing through drama (“Dramatics Arts Ministry of Dover”)

Mission and Vision – ministry in charge of keeping the church focused on the purpose and function of its ministry

Missions – ministry in charge of promoting the offerings that are used for helping the ministries that are reaching the lost souls all over the world

Pastoral Care – ministry in charge of creating an environment that meets the spiritual needs of our members, while at the same time it ministers to physical and emotional needs

Praise and Worship – ministry in charge of music and congregational praise and worship

Prayer – ministry in charge of promoting congregational prayer and supporting the needs of the church, its members, and visitors through prayer

Síndicates – ministry in charge of supporting the pastor on administrative matters and the overall operation of ministries

Special Activities – ministry in charge of planning special clebratory and praise activities (mother/father’s day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)

Sunday Bible School – ministry in charge of Bible classes for children on Sundays

Third Age – ministry geared toward those 60+ years of age

Translation – ministry in charge of interpreting simultaneously the services on Sundays and/or special activities, from Spanish to English

Ushers – ministry in charge of collecting the offerings and keeping order during services/congregational activities

Video – ministry in charge of any visual proyection during services/special congregational activities

Website/media – ministry in charge of the main church webpage, its Facebook page, and other congregational electronic communication / promotion / information

Women’s Ministry – ministry led by and for the women

Youth – ministry for the youth (grades 7-12th)